Sunday, July 6, 2008

Training Is Over!!

It's been more than 2 weeks that we've undergone training with our US counterparts, Jim And Stephenie.It's been a very busy week since we are in training while working with our projects. It's supposed to be called "Deep Dive Training"Meaning we need to talk about things that we don't know yet and lern it deeply, but what happen is just a snorkling training hahawe called it that way since we didnt learn much having the training while doing our specs at the same time :(

Anyway, it was fun. Our lunch out's with the trainors are great! usually, it's FREE! You know what, we had them rode to a bus and jeepneys in one of our lunch outs! here's our pictures taken. Hope you could see them freak out! but they enjoyed the ride though hehe

This was taken during our lunch in Gerrys Grill. we chose this place for them to experience Filipino food. I just don't know if they loved the food more than we do, coz we almost ate everything! haha but atleast they got the experience :)

Thanks Stephenie and Jim!!

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