Monday, September 22, 2008

Kurdt's Haircut Day

We've been planning a week ago to bring our kurdt to one of the haircut stations/salon for kids. I dont think we could wait any longer until his birthday come. His bang is now irritating his eyes, so most of the days, we really need to tie his hair. That makes him a girl like, witha face of a li'l girl as well ;)

This will be Kurdt's 3rd haircut. The first 2 was cut by my husband's Aunt. Good enough but since it's almost Kurdt's bday, why not treat him for a haircut in a kids salon. We brought him in SM, The Block (2nd floor, liitle ones). Im not sure of the name, haha i forgot.

Surprisingly, Kurdt's been "VERY" behave the whole time that the stylist is cutting his hair. Thanks to Barney and the car they set up for kids! He's been watching all through out and turning the wheel once in while. He even asked me to take pictures of Barney.

The guy stylist is preparing him for the haircut

Here's the finish product... hehe little boy na.. No more a baby ;)

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