Sunday, May 13, 2007

Can't Hardly Sleep

For the past 3 or 4 days now, Kurdt is having a hard time falling as sleep at bedtime. That makes me awake too until late night. The problem is, im not supposed to, coz i or we (my husband) need to wake up early for work. I dont know why suddenly, he dont feel like it sleeping early at night. Before, once i put him in our bed, we will just count in 15-30 mins and presto! he's sleeping soundly.

But now, since he knows how to roll both sideways and sometimes trying his crawling skills, he can't hardly sleep or i could say he dont want to sleep (agad). What do i do is tried playing with him then once his tired, he will just suddenly look for his position to sleep. And that is after 1 or 2 hours rolling and playing in bed.

Also, he was irritable and uncomfortable. He always do suck his finger (parang nangigigil pa) and sometimes get mine and put it in his mouth until he fall as sleep. We've seen some symptoms of teething but we are not sure yet. He just want something hard in his mouth. It adds to his discomfort at night.

Just read this one article regarding babies:

Babies who were great sleepers may suddenly start waking up at night or have difficulty falling asleep between 6 and 12 months of age. Why? Sleep disturbances often go hand-in-hand with reaching major milestones in cognitive and motor development and with separation anxiety.

At 6 to 9 months, your baby may be learning to sit up, crawl, or possibly even cruise or walk — quite a list of achievements! Not surprisingly, he may not want to stop practicing his new skills at bedtime and may get so excited that he'll wake up to try sitting up just one more time.

Maybe, that makes sense. Though its not healthy for me to sleep late night till midnight, but its my baby's calling. I just need to adapt to his sleeping habit and be with him til he fall as sleep.

But last night, i really can't attend to him or play with him. We came home around 11pm after celebrating mother's day. And im so tired thinking that i need to wake up early for work. Yeah, got a work today, election day, and it supposed to be a holiday to all. Nwei, i just asked my husband to put him into sleep just for the night.

Yesterday is a very tiring day but its great. Btw, our little boy gave me flowers! hehe (i know its in behalf of my husband).

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